Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Zimmerman, County Board Privatizing Public Meetings and Events

Hello, Yupette,

Have you noticed what Chris Zimmerman and the County Board are doing to public meetings and public access to information? They're privatizing everything. It will cost you $35 to attend the CPRO Pike luncheon to hear Zimmerman talk about Pike planning. The Pike "planning" charades at the end of this month are run by CPRO. It will cost another $50 to hear Zimmerman talk to the Chamber of Commerce about business opportunities. The working session on June 9th between the County Manager and County Board regarding Pike planning will not hear comments from the public. Important items are being placed on the County Board meeting consent agenda (there is only one item on the regular hearing agenda at the June 11th County Board meeting). This is going way beyond telling minorities that they are not welcome to attend Pike planning meetings, Civic Federation meetings, etc. It's become difficult or impossible for voters, taxpayers, and residents to know what's occurring in County Government, except via the County's PR organization and from press releases from the County's PR organization appearing in the local media.

Ron - Barcroft

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mark Kelly Reported Ready to Announce for County Board

Hello, Yupette,

I heard from a couple of Neo-Con activists that Mark Kelly is going to make another run for County Board. Looks from his recent statements he's going to run. The Neo-Cons who control the Arlington Republican Party are all for one or two candidates running against Mary Hynes and Walter Tejada. Moderate Republicans are only interested in getting wealthy in Arlington's current mega-development economy. Thanks for your blog.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Favola Firehouse Fiasco to Cost Taxpayers Another $127,000

Hello Yupette,

I was outraged to see the County Board is wanting another $127,000 to complete the $18 million Cherrydale Fire Station because of "unforseen circumstances". This time resulting from street paving problems. This is item 20 on the County Board's consent agenda for the June 11th County Board meting. The County will be paying the Cherrydale Fire Station's architects another $27,000 as an additional "administration fee" for this project. Why?

When it comes to large construction projects for her employer, Marymount University, where she is Chief Lobbyist, Barbara was extremely attentive to ensure there were no delays. When it comes to us, the taxpayers, having essential public infrastructure completed some time in our lifetimes, she could apparently care less.

Frank, Cherrydale

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1 Billion Non-Biodegradable Trash Bags to Landfills from Arlington Annually?


I have seen the green this and green that all over Arlington the past couple of years. But did you ever try to figure out how many non-biodegradable trash bags are being sent to landfills from Arlington every year? A lot. Maybe as many as a billion trash bags of all sizes (from wastepaper basket liners to yard waste bags). How many of these trash bags are biodegradable? Almost none. It's difficult to even find a retail store that sells biodegradable kitchen trash bags in Arlington. I had to order the biodegradable kitchen trash bags for my home from the Internet. They are not cheap, which is probably why they aren't widely available.

If Mr. Fisette is so concerned about the environment maybe he can find an economical source of biodegradable trash bags for use in County offices, including the County Board offices.
